Pizza Nagih: A Specialty for Sweet Pizza

This time I am going to talk about a local pizza, Pizza Nagih. I went there with gadisrakus and diyoni, my partner in food. If you ever heard about Warung Nagih that famous for its toast, well Pizza Nagih is under the same company with Warung Nagih which is Nagih Jaya.
Pizza Nagih Store [taken from gadisrakus]

When we were at Pizza Nagih, I got a chance to converse with Nagih Jaya's Marketing staff, Tamara. She said that Pizza Nagih have a same concept with Warung Nagih which allow customer to mix and match the ingredients of the topping for their food (warung nagih with its toast and pizza nagih with its pizza). Furthermore, Pizza Nagih positioning itself with Sweet Pizza as its specialty that distinguish it with other Pizza seller. It means when you go to Pizza Nagih, it is a must for you to order the Sweet Pizza.

Besides the Sweet Pizza, Pizza Nagih also serves Savory pizza like other pizza seller. Tamara recommended us to try the Creamy Scallop Pizza or Sweet Marine, both are seafood topping. I chose Creamy Scallop since it is quite rare to find pizza, in Indonesia, that using scallop as the topping. For the sweet pizza I chose Nutella as the sauce and combined it with marshmallow, oreo and cheese cheddar as the topping. My reason to chose marshmallow was because I think it would be good for photo material.

After ordering, Tamara told us that Pizza Nagih initially concept as take away restaurant instead of dine in type. That's why the store itself only provide some tables. However it's quite big for  take-away restaurant and comfortable enough for dine in.
Well there are also some sofa inside

Leaflet Menut

Since this store having open kitchen concept, I peek at the pizza making process. Unfortunately I only took some photos after the pizza were ready to be baked.
Creamy Scallop ready to be baked

The pizza that came first was Creamy Scallop Pizza, and I was busy to taking some photos until the Sweet Pizza came. Tamara said that the sweet pizza better eat while it's still warm. So, I took the photos of Sweet Pizza in hurry to taste it immediately. I must say that the taste was "istimewa". I was surprised that it was really tasty. If yu ever heard a proverb "You can never go wrong with chocolate and cheese", that's right. But this time I changed it into "You can never go wrong with chocolate and cheese and crumbled oreos and melted marshmallow and crispy crust". I think I chose the right combination of topping and sauce. I really love it.
I tried to take the marshmallow but failed since it was melted

Next. I tried the Creamy Scallop Pizza. The taste was okay. Even though the name is "Creamy" but I didn't feel the creamy taste at all (in a good term).  I personally think, if only they put some more mozzarella cheese it might turn to be more creamy without making it to be nauseous and it will also add more salty flavor to this pizza as I found this pizza has a quite strong sweet taste feeling. I also found they only put a little amount of scallop, but I forgave them since this pizza is relatively inexpensive meanwhile everybody knows that scallop are quite expensive in Indonesia.

It was lunch time and I only ate some for breakfast but surprisingly I already felt really full after I ate only four slices of pizza (2 slices for each sweet pizza and savory pizza). Furthermore it was medium size only and had thin crust. So I took some times before finishing the pizzas. After a while I ate the leftover , and I remember I was told that the sweet pizza better eat while it's hot however though it was already cold the sweet pizza still so tasty. The crust not turned to be hard, it was still crunchy.

I will be back to Pizza Nagih as I want to try another combination of sauce and topping. I want to try with the MnM's since I think it will be instagramable. I also want to try the kitkat and almond combination, I am a big fan of those two entities. Well, as all of the sauce are chocolate-base and the topping mostly are sweet and chocolate-base, I hope Pizza Nagih could add another topping or sauce that having yogurt-taste-like to balance out the current topping or sauce. Or if they add ice cream as topping choice, I definitely will come back.

Location:  Jalan Bangka Raya No. 5D, Kemang, Jakarta Selatan (0812 8295 8882)
Creamy Scallop (Medium Size): IDR 69,000
Sweet Pizza with Nutella sauce and Marshmallow+Oreo+Cheese (Medium Size): IDR 56,000


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